"loose horse! loose horse!" everyone was shouting as the little chesnut came galloping thru the warm area and towards all the trailers, stirrups flapping, nostrils flaring and a kind of sweet pony fear in his eye. the saddle had slid round to one side. am i the only one who feels like they should be handed some rules and handy tips when they step on new property? i stood still with my arms out, right in the gate area, saying, whoa whoa as soothingly as i could, reciting in my head all the times i've been told that a horse will usually avoid running INTO a person if you stay still and give them the chance to...he was slowing down... the rider buddy with whom i'd just walked the stadium course grabbed his rein to stop him and then pulled the saddle off, as i took over the holding, heart a pounding.
my co-worker got me in trouble with the boss for not watering the hay down enough. but i didn't know that until during her feed shift the next night when he coughed and wheezed exactly as he had on my shift and i asked if his condition was worsening or something, since i'd heard him doing it the day before and she snapped at me that he "just has hay caught in his esophagas!"
i thought to myself, "So, wait a minute. You’re paying to be here in this camp that I invented to earn money and you are 2 years older than me?"
when i rode the big red horse, descended from the black one and he did that flippy thing with his head after the jump, i had a-nance-on-her-black horse flashback. i suddenly remembered how i would watch her jump that horse around a course thinking "how can you put up with that?" and admire her steady patient calm, position and attitude-wise.
A tack rail taught the really, really big horse to extricate himself from the base.
what does it mean when your teacher is always on your case to open your left shoulder? like what does that mean in relation to where we carry energy in the body??
the other employee said she used to ride big red. but what i heard from the boss's hubby was that she WANTED to and wasn't allowed.
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remember when the bucker took a big spook at a bike and i squished the pop can i was holding? his owner referred to me as "the incredible hulk over here" for the rest of the day.
fox hunting has been outlawed in england because of the animal activists. THAT's the kind of thing that is going to shut down our industry before any kind of disease thing or any urban sprawl issues...
who used to give friends "bucket rides" in the big green tractor -- can you imagine? popping the clutch and barely able to control the big huge wheels of the machine and there she was also flipping them about back and forth and up and down for random kamakazee fun in FRONT of it... at least we weren't hacking of tree limbs with chainsaws like the farmer i heard about.