she thought it was pretty romantic the way the two of them just hopped on the horse bareback together.
"it's okay, i know what you're going thru" he said, as jill took one of the first temper tantrums she had ever had-on-a-horse in whole life. the beast had tried to mow her over and drag her back to the barn but she had run with him and managed eventually to stop him with her whole body weight, verbal commands and huge yanks on the lungeline attached to his bit.
she'd tried to call it a day (training wise) when she successfully got the brute back and forth to the round pen where they'd been headed in the first place, twice, with out getting dragged around and stood stock still against her will with or kicked or bit or whatEVER.
the boss's boyfriend wouldn't let it go at that however...
she started wearing her helmet around that horse after that.
and they made fun of her.
months and months later she found out the last 5 groom/working students HAD been dragged to the barn by him and refused to have anything to do with him afterwards.