No announcement had been made yet, and no discussion between pals had yet occurred. But, even if it was true that they both had applied for the same job, and her friend got it, at least Jill sincerely wanted the best for her friend! She would concentrate on that joy and not worry about her bills for a moment. And, Jill was proud of the fact that she had generously suggested to said friend that she apply, even though no one had sent Jill the job listing.
At first she had thought there was no risk in applying, since she already did NOT have the job. She needed to earn and it was work she could do, and in fact believed she could excel at and enjoy given the opportunity, so why let past rejection inhibit current action?
She thought differently now, as people were avoiding her eye on the pathways around the show property and had also been ignoring her messages!
So, her application made folks uncomfortable? Why did she manage to be so unpopular?
She knew that being effective with groups of 1,000 pound animals and their novice human partners and spectators might demonstrate qualities fellow humans might find pushy, but, it still hurt to be disliked. She LIKED people and was always trying to help, to do her best etc. Intellectually, she understood that leadership is not popular blah blah blah, but lonely and soaking in a buttermilk bath for her sore skin condition, she finally let the tears fall about it.
"Have you heard the horse-riding fall/bonk on the head story?" Jill's friend was not skeptical that the rider had been let down by the medical community, but she wondered what other factors were not being revealed. They were parked at the horse show beside the trailer of a facility where a woman had recently died while out riding. No one really knew what happened, the horse came home without her and they'd found her dead in a field.
"Have you heard the horse-riding fall/bonk on the head story?" Jill's friend was not skeptical that the rider had been let down by the medical community, but she wondered what other factors were not being revealed. They were parked at the horse show beside the trailer of a facility where a woman had recently died while out riding. No one really knew what happened, the horse came home without her and they'd found her dead in a field.
Even though it was none of Jill's business, as groom, and NOT in the volunteer job description, she couldn't help herself. The horse was being so strong and naughty and the rider looked so uptight about it...
Even though it was none of Jill's business, as groom, and NOT in the volunteer job description, she couldn't help herself. The horse was being so strong and naughty and the rider looked so uptight about it...
She went to the side of the warm up ring and said "You need to worry less about a frame and MORE about establishing a constant rhythm." The show rider strained to hear Jill, so as they got a little further away she shouted, "and make sure YOU'RE breathing!"
Dee said her mount was impossible, and walked for a rest. "Well get THAT out of your head right now." Jill insisted. They had agreed about that (accidentally now relevant) concept on the drive up there, the impact of your inner thoughts on the horse's outward way of going.
Luckily, right then, moving away from the warm up ring, Jill walked in to their teacher and asked her to take a walk over to the uptight team.
Dee said her mount was impossible, and walked for a rest. "Well get THAT out of your head right now." Jill insisted. They had agreed about that (accidentally now relevant) concept on the drive up there, the impact of your inner thoughts on the horse's outward way of going.
Luckily, right then, moving away from the warm up ring, Jill walked in to their teacher and asked her to take a walk over to the uptight team.
Jill was proud when the coach said "You need to ride forwards, ride him off your leg. THINK rhythm." The teacher added, forbodingly and funnily, "This game is called survival of the fittest!"
Discussing it afterwards, her friend didn't see that Jill's advice had been accurate. "The difference between your instruction and our teacher's, was that she told me how to work our way thru the hyper stage so that he was willing to come back in hand and allow me to put my leg on him."
Discussing it afterwards, her friend didn't see that Jill's advice had been accurate. "The difference between your instruction and our teacher's, was that she told me how to work our way thru the hyper stage so that he was willing to come back in hand and allow me to put my leg on him."
Hmmmmmmmm, more food for thought. Any nary a progress towards earning any pay cheque...