"Maybe next time I'll choose the poetry." He left planting a nice big kiss on Roomie's left cheek, despite his disinterest in the performers she'd dragged him out to see... and, forgetting his sunglasses and leaving her on the lookout, the next morning, his very nice rings. She'd wished she'd worn a dress out, to make it more like a date!
When she snuggled in to his arms, it felt like a good fit. Had she actually admitted wishing to lean into him like that for a whole week prior? "That time we were so close together, harnessing the horses, I got the urge to want this. I wondered what it would feel like..." He was surprised to hear it.
Jill had posted an excerpt from a documentary with the caption "i am part horse." a friend commented,
"which part?" and she surprised herself with the instant answer, "heart." He wooed her with a kind closing comment "then you have a big heart amigo." For some reason that reminded her of Lily, who had been beaten and was a bit skittish and who Jill had really connected with, at age 9. A sweet tiny chesnut as timid as she was then, herself.
In the barn Jill stood staring at the board like she was brain dead and then sat with a thud on the brush box. She was sitting there like a lump wondering if she could actually ride and then teach when she noticed her boss/teacher, who was in the barn, noticing her in the early morning.
"I'm sick" she said
"You look it." the boss answered.
"If I ride, I won't have the energy to teach" Jill said.
"That's okay, saddle up."
Jill thought some bosses came straight from heaven.
As she tacked up Jill was remembering all those times when her dad had coached her in professional situations. You know those times when everyone is mad at you and working against you because they resent that you got the position instead of them?
"Just show 'em why YOU got the job," he would counsel, and his advice worked every time.