
Free Fun

Was Jim joking when he said he didn't like to waste the water, or pollute the environment with the extra shampoo and so only washed his hair once a week?

"we have no preference here" said the large animal vet, to Jill, about the radio. She was thrilled to acknowledge she could put it on whatever station she'd enjoy! And, the small animal vet stocked the fridge with the pop/beverage of her preference... while the other (farrier) brother did his best to make her laugh and lift the heavy things. And, they were a family of SUCH gifted whistlers, Jill didn't even have the words!
Farah and I disturbed SOOOOOOOOO many dragonflies today, with our trot round the big feild in two point. my legs hurt today so it MUST have been good for us!

The day after my pony spooked at a butterfly, two huge ugly turkey vultures swooped down from a dead tree we were walking past and she didn’t even flinch (despite the fact that her rider even had a scared vibe)! 

Our last trip out around the fields, we trotted. And, we had to pass a dump truck dumping to get out there! The most exciting part of our ride though, was the section of brush where a huge clatter started happening in the woods and it sounded like a crazy horse eating mammoth on the move towards us, or a scary sasquatch or something…farah spooked and bolted a little and I lost a stirrup and was a tiny bit unseated, though I didn’t fall off, and then what popped out of the forest in front of us (and looking MORE scared of us than we were of him) was a tiny red fox. He then trotted up the path the way we were headed, so we followed him quite a ways, hearts in our throat and all.

The last time Jill had spoken with Jim she remembered him wishing he was still cooking her dinner and complaining that he had no one to give flowers to since she left.

That morning while she sang Farah around the fields new to both of them, with their unexpected trillium, butterflies, tree breezes, rock piles, neighbouring junk and leaping squirrels, all spooking the tiny roan, she remembered singing to Ellie. And she also missed the hacks out with Jim to check on the burn pile.

She used to tell those powerful giants back then that the big pit was a horse coffin and they better be nice to her!

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