the old guy's coat was gross, was it the thyroid? at least he had fun rolling in the mud. he was shaking so she put a baker sheet on him, hoping it wouldn't rain. he didn't seem to have a water repellent less than full blown winter option. he was getting hippy to go with his ribby. he needed more food.
the young guy was obnoxious in the cross ties and she couldn't find a lunge line, so she turned him out for a half hour before she rode. he was f r i s k y. the cold no doubt. the show horse bucked and bolted and reared playfully when they came by, so they were all feeling it...
she took him right out of the driveway for 10 minutes but he was so fresh it didn't feel sensible, so back to the ring for some dressage effort. he was so speedy, but he listened to tranisitions and odd figures and routes. he came very easily on the bit and he was pretty smooth to ride. she wanted a softer bit in his mouth, until they got jumping or for the dressage or whatever...
then she took him left out the driveway to the end, where they'd been before but far less time, since it was in a record breaking trot. he went thru at least 4 strange puddles and by 2 running fenced dogs and past a big scary work truck parked on the shoulder. she made him go for an extra excursion down concession 11 til it turned gravel and then they turned around. about 50 minutes all told, through rain and hail and sun. what a weird weather day.
her helmet did not fit. it got caught in the tree branches when they fiddled with the gate and after that it was basically like she was riding with nothing, because it was flopping around all over the place.
"you either have a troxel head or a tipperary head."
"i forgot to mention when we actually got the gate latched correctly."
she knew the old guy to be a big drinker. that's why his stall was always so wet and messy. but, she wasn't convinced he was drinking out of the automatic water bowl. or that one bucket in the paddock all day was enough. or if he even drank that one bucket.
it was almost all the same problems as usual.
he was not eating the hay. and he was not making enough manure.
but he'd made alot on the way over there and he'd made some and if he wasn't eating or drinking and walking away from yo all day as he had been, then... maybe he was just settling in okay after a bunch of stress?
she was going up early again in the morning. and was confirming the farrier for the weekend or else. the poor guy was limping again and so stiff. she wanted to help him out.
[ ] hoof ice?
[ ] extress? msm?
[ ] wormer?
[ ] hay?
the little guy was rather obnoxious. whinnying when she took the old guy out on cross ties. and circling around in his stall and nipping at her as she tacked him up. and then to ride? he was sideways, speeeeeeeeeeeedy and spooky. ohmigosh. can you say fast motion? up down zig zag duck spook stop start zing zang?
luckily, he did not seem to be actually trying to ditch her, and, she managed to go with his motion. the rain was miserable, and they were miserable and it was a quick trot only ride. but, there were loose horses in the paddock next door. and, she made him go straight thru a milk crate and a jump. and they went round and round and round nicely. on the bit even and bending correctly around 15 m circles. walking nicely around and around at the end too.
its nice to have lights in the stalls. and there were lots of nice shavings. and yo's bowl had water in it.
too bad the forecast called for more r a i n.
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