
Absence and Ailments

Jill had decided that with her teacher being in the US for a show for two weeks that she would totally goof off, and hack as much as possible. But, by the time she got to the stable the first night, it was too dark to go outside and she ended up tooling around in the arena. Ug.

He seemed quite stiff behind, probably from the show on the weekend (Jill was stiff too!), so they just did a half hour of flat work.

The next day was beautiful, so she took him out to the Christmas tree farm. He was not frisky in the slightest, but he was CRANKY and in fact he kept trying to turn around and go home. Jill felt he wasn't moving in his normal way and must be anxious for dinner and they kept it short with just one small canter.

The next day they trotted and cantered the whole concession to Heart Lake road. She was aware that he was stiff on the right lead and that up hills he was veering a bit with the left hind pushing more than the right - the opposite of his usual weakness. He was happy though, and the work seemd to do him good.

His halter was broken.
Lady was having a problem in that her tonge was so swollen it was sticking out of her mouth about 3 inches and she couldn't eat or drink. There was a big puddle of drool anywhere she stood. In examining the tongue no cut could be seen, no toxic weeds were spotted in the paddock and no one knew what to make of it. Poor thing. The vet's theory was she was allergic to bee stings but Jill kept her horse buddy f a r away just in case it turned out to be contagious. Would she really have to be put down?

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