
How To Be A Good Dad?

Brother Mikey cam riding last holiday season. Jill was providing a lesson as a gift for her friend and her young daughter, since they were both established horse-lovers but her husband wanted in on the family outing, and paid his own way.

Jill couldn't believe a 3 yr old could last sooooo long in the cold, a whole hour, before she started crying.

Mike finally got the posting rhythm, and even though Jill was not instructing the adults (her teacher was), she couldn't resist piping up. "Hey Mike, you GOT it." When he trotted past her next he said "Can I take a rest" and Jill replied "I dunno, ask YOUR teacher."

She had just been insisting that Maggie pat the pony's neck again even though she was afraid.

He went around the ring in posting trot a few more times and then shyly addressed the real hard *ss of the establishment if he could please walk. She made him trot around a few more times before she acknowledged his question and said "okay now walk and rest." Meanwhile, her friend Kim was cantering around and around on a cadillac and Jill's dad summed up the whole outing later by saying he thought Mike seemed like a pretty good dad.
Jill was both relieved and disappointed that the nice guy she'd been seeing romantically would encourage her to explore the live in job option so far away.
"My association with Limehouse is the park. Dee 'n me used to ride our horses off the property at our teacher's first farm. And we'd go out on the roads up to the park, where we'd jump the benches, then the picnic tables, to impress the baseball players."

So, you can jump a picnic table? That sounds like a big jump.

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