
Same Old Competiton

Jill could see that the other instructor was clearly out to make her look bad, and had also been in cahoots with the new instructor to brainwash her before even meeting Jill.

(The one who had taught lessons already but had not yet signed a waiver, ha).

Was Jill the only one who noticed when she admitted "it might have been me who put the pelham in wrong" and insuated that Jill had been the one insisting on the even harsher bit... The owner of the place didn't know harsh from not and was loyal to the employee she'd hired first.

The other instructor had not completed paperwork, and one of the others had a missing first page, but they were both commended by said boss, Jill's shoddy paperwork left unspoken.

Things were not looking good for her future there.

Which was relief in a way.

She felt that humans made all the decisions around horses and felt that any place that was going to blame "horse error" and "breed inbreeding" for the unfortunate death of new herd member, instead of learning from their own accountability, was a place she didn't want to watch choose and develop other beasts anyway...

All Jill could do was offering the most safe, constructive lessons she could, while adhering to sound business practices, and doing her best to honour the recommendations of the provincial and national governing sport offices (despite their flaws).

Jill said she noticed the gaited newcomers where not meshing well with the pony herd and would not have moved them in 9 days as was done, she was ignored.

When Jill suggested that they should have at least filled out an incident report in order to learn from the occurence, she was told that incident reports only had to do with human injury.

She did not fit with the facilty, despite its advertised but misguided interest in horse welfare.

She was interested to see how things would unfold.

A talented horse would have cleared the fence but the Tennessee Walking Horses were not that atheletic, and Jill could admit that they did indeed seem daft. And, the owners were clearly Very Inexperienced horse folk as well... Who else would have found the facility owners more knowledgable? yikes.

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