
More Cross Effort

Then they went to the bank that was #7, and it did not cross Jill's mind that he would have a problem with it because they'd survived it on showday fine. But as they got near he turned into a BIG GOOF. Just like when they were on course and he wouldn't go through the water.

Jill kept trying and trying but he would not go. The teacher grabbed his bridle. They tried leading him with his trailer buddy. He kept backing up and spinning and threatening to really rear and getting worse and worse instead of better.

Jills neves started to get wrangled, in a new way and so she said so. The hestiation she had noticed would be obvious to her goof friend too. "Do YOU want to get him over?" Jill surprised her teacher asking. "Do you want me to?" she spoke before mounting.

It was not easy for her.

And, he kind of fell of the side once.

But, she did finally get him over proper.

So real quick Jill got on him and did it like eight times... including the top step and the next step and all the steps.

Jill said "he really is a lovely horse." and her teacher agreed. She always liked his scope, even when he was so shakey off the ground.

Next, they went to face the puddle problem.
"Better to come across the combination of two dreaded obstacles while here schooling then at your next competition." The teacher was merciless and Jill was glad it hadn't been her that vocalized the rider's fears, as the boss stood beside the first part of the jump and crossed her arms.

Jill went first and Stoney stopped dead at the edge, and then stepped down. A first time! He bounded through the water and jumped out over the bank while every body cheered. The other rider fared just as well and they had to go around to the other water, the h u g e success of the day!!!

The trakerner was fine, although humourous because he saw the ditch and CLEARED it so000 much.

The next time he took a longer spot, which Jill saw as a sign of his increasing confidence. They also did a big steeple-chase-like brush jump that he had to touch while getting through and then galloped on in the only real rhythm they enjoyed that day, taking a couple of the other fences in the field in stride.

A great way to end the day.

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