"So, what are you doing now," he wanted to know, after treating the cats and marking the date on the calendar that she could bring some of her young horsier-wanna-be friends for a visit. It would be too dark to ride but they could have a young horse grooming session... Jill thought it was best to get her hands on those young 'uns sooner rather than later so they didn't travel in the hoofprints of their older troubling siblings, ha. She liked all aspects of horsemanship and loved working with young and challenging horses most of all. And her young lovely friends would brighten the day on the farm too no doubt!
She was also planning to bring a couple big tubs of horse stuff she'd hoped she could stash in the barn!!! But she thought she'd just surprise them, instead of asking in advance.
She did tell him about the stupendous invitation she'd received. And, for a thoroughly enjoyable moment, the gent was actually speechless. And while Jill was a having humorous flashback to the day he'd prattled on about the aforesaid invitee's tendency to "go on a bit, doesn't he..." the older man smirked.
"Well, you'll have to watch out he doesn't make a pass then. You know that type of University boy, right?" Jill actually had no familiarity at all with the school or its world-class reputation for academic excellence. Was the vet a grad then?
"Watch OUT!?" , Jill enjoyed shocking him in truth and fun "what do you think i'm headed there watching FOR!?"
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