What our horses need to know about ditches is that they are ALLOWED to relax and jump or step as they see fit - they can put their feet right down in it and run across if they want to...
And sometimes, pony, where you're careening on down a hill in all your racehorse glory, there's something at the bottom that the rider KNOWs about and YOU don't!
(can you spell Gymnastics?")
* * *
Jill had never even shown Training.
One time, on a hack with her coach, she did the entire Training course at Caledon. They just kind of came across them, one by one, in prep to show at that level. They'd trailered over because they were so sick of schooling at home where there was nary a proper cross country jump or water obstacle to be found.
So, Jill could still sign up for a horse trial as Pre-training, Snr (instead of having to show "Open," which meant going against the pros/Olympians in the same div ha.
First there was all the nonsense about not jumping from a stand still. Her horse had the scope and she believed in forward f-ing march horse approaches to every obstacle, every time. Carry on!
When the other new rules came out Jill emailed her riding buddy, a sort of fair-weather eventer/non-fox-hunter.
"You can't circle? if you can't circle then i am NOT going in, ever again. You can't walk and you can't circle? What are the too fast horses, like my thoroughbred, supposed to do? Just keep on moving FORWARD, gaining momentum? (?) (?) A. C. K.*
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