
Can We Talk?

"Then again a family member's MARRIAGE choice could effect you in the very same way..."  Roomie was ruminating to her sis about the impact of family member's healthy lifestyle choices vs. conduct you couldn't take as much comfort in.

They overheard Jill on the phone with a friend,  She was being teased about the way she dressed and how she'd never find a date that way...  "But, how can you expect me to get horses out of my head, when thy're in my heart?"  She refused to wear any footwear anywhere, besides boots, because she wanted to always be ready to be a-top or even beside an equine...

Jill had joked at the barn that day that if her guests thought she was tough, then they oughta stay away from her teacher, ha!

"My job, is to make my boss look good.  WHATever my career path or WHERE."  Roomie was emphatic about her transferable skills, despite the fact that some bosses make this job, much harder than others."

Jill's new boss had walked the standardbred farm more than once, earlier that day, looking for her bay runaway that was on-site.  She didn't recognize her own homebred at first, with a halter on.

On the other hand, when Jill stepped off the truck and into the barn, she knew instantly exactly which stall to visit, because of Annabelle's stomp at the stall door, lol.

It was obvious everyone, that one potential student at least was in love with her too. She'd blathered excitedly that last year she'd asked Santa for guitar lessons and but that this year she was gonna ask for riding lessons...

It was mid-summer but Jill shared the kid's enthusasm.  "Listen, with any luck around here, you can bring your guitar TO your riding lesson."  Jill was not kiddin'.   "Pony trainer training and Pony Musicals coming your way!"

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