"So what, there's no one in Texas for Tronas?" Jill realized with her date's comeback, she should concentrate on listing her projected start up costs for her potential sponsors, as some kind of Dear Santa letter, instead of dwelling in and even sharing out loud fantasies about further chatting with barely met celebrity cowboys, that prevented her progress in real life relationships...
car, insurance, mileage expense plus CAA,
properly fitted helmet,
some kind of cutting edge protective vest?
boots, and more boots if possible,
half chaps,
breeches and long johns to fit under them...
Jill was making a mental checklist when she should have been falling in love. Meanwhile, the conference and gala organizers she'd spoken to earlier wanted her to bring a media partner/date to the event, and she couldn't rustle up either. They also wanted to provide her a stable pass, which she felt unable to accept!! E-gads.
Later, after refusing the offer, Roomie fretted aloud about the pimps in the penthouse of the condo where some of her aging family members in the big city lived, because wasn't that "a sure sign of guns and drugs in the area?" Jill said she worried too much. And, complimented her amazing way with difficult people as a way of reassuring a pal. Meanwhile, their new house mate seemed unbearably controlling, volatile, selfish and miserable to Jill, while Roomie insisted on forging more constructive relations. While they chatted, the CBC radio broadcast talk about an interactive seal robot that dementia patients in Denmark loved.
The old man's feet were already improving with his turn out on the dry ground. And, Jill was already acting like they were in a backyard property, picking out his hooves while he was loose in the paddock. With the little guy complicating her life by coming over too...
That bay was a little tender on his tootsies too, probably the blessed dry ground was a little harder, though she did also find a pebble lodged in his front right foot after their ride. Then she wished she'd dismounted and checked instead of keeping their ride on the short and slow side. She should get a saddle bag and ride out with a hoofpick included in the contents some day.
The bitless was closest so they had used it. And wearing that, he walked the logs the slowest ever. He was actually kind of dead in the heat, not his spooky or scooty self at all, and she felt perfectly safe riding around that back field in it. They went right up close to the traffic side this time, and just stood there for a while.
Back in the sand ring, she could expand and his collect his canter in it too. And, she liked not having any metal in his mouth! But, also, she would miss dressage, if she had to give it up for her new found knowledge of the cruely of the roll kur... She had learned in her media work that the frame they have to carry themsevles in for proper dressage is considered abuse by some people!
She wanted to get the blue mat out and school it as a riding obstacle. And, next time she would build a little jump to build into some flat work, before mounting as well.
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