The weekend wind was up! And, made for much excitement.
Jill had mentioned to her boss that there was a student she needed to challenge more, and then, the very next lesson, the very same kid almost came off! During a canter spook and dart to the centre by a naughty pony. Had he read Jill's mind? Jill's mentor hadn't suggested anything, just smiled.
When Jill asked this student, during their subsequent outdoor walk, if she wanted to go left or right around the hay field, she requested straight through, indicating the spooky trees!!! No wonder Jill couldn't resist having favourites!
In the last private of the the day, the timid-est rider, had been truly inspired watching the Olympics and wanted to jump! She asked to! And, she was very brave (relatively speaking) and it was great to see her smiling so much in class. Jill got a kick also out of providing the feedback "Okay buddy, now, try and keep your eyes open in the air. And, how about you keep breathing."
Another of the students had shown up in the hairnet Jill gave her on showday. It was so cute to have a kid so excited about a meaningless attire item. It turned out that her big percheron cross mount was a good match for the fast-horse thoroughbred classmate, but they weren't doing pairs that day, they needed to practice jumping for next week's show.
All day Jill's feelings were hurt that her new friend wasn't interested in coming to the barn. He didn't even remember the invitation(s)! Had he pretended to be interested for a second as a way of wooing her? Or had she projected this wish on him? All Jill knew for sure was that if you were interested in spending any time with her, you were gonna have to be willing to horse around. She would not make that mistake again!
For a sponsorship request you were just supposed to go directly asking for what you needed right? Jill thought she should seek sports bras and maybe an IRH small, with dial, lol.
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