
Shut Offs and A Fresh Start

As a certified instructor, Jill was not really supposed to teach anywhere that didn't have an Emergency Plan in place.  She'd been proud of her proactive professionalism and even thought it was a stroke of brilliance to include the electric fence shut off location in the paperwork she was creating, to address the need.  But this would prove to be a detail that disturbed the owners to the point of terminating the relationship.

Jill had wanted the info included to avoid what she'd seen once, filling in at a farm and alone on the property, to see a beautiful high quality brood mare, with a foal at her side and a foreleg caught in the electric wires against the boards of her paddock.  The mare was frightened and in pain and faol distressed as well.  Jill had been horrified, and, despite having a tour of the property with the farm manager, and a map of the place for reference, she was confused about which way to run to cut the power.  The poor mare, struggled against powerful jolt after jolt after jolt.  It was awful, and then, luckily, the mare broke down the fence and freed herself... just as Jill found the way to cut the power.

"The employee with the useless partner who did nothing but sit around in that apartment smoking all winter, but she at least did good work with the previously un-ridable bay.  I'll give her credit for that."  Did this horse owner have a good rapport with any past or current employees?  Jill should have seen it as a warning sign, but found the upside in that at least there was some credit being acknowledged in this one case... finally a positive word.

Jill thought she should stop eavesdropping on high maintenance dressage queens at the stable she was visiting, while being glad that none of them would be in the classes she was teaching.  Meanwhile, she was regretting how she had the privacy setting wrong on the comprehensive google doc she had created about what was to be one of her new teaching facilities. Not just those with access to the boss's email account but anyone with the link could see it.  Oops!  Because she had printed two copies of the draft  Stable Tour document (and thus allowed 2 copies of the complex string of digits to become available to others in the barn) her thus former bosses had freaked out.  Was it true the cops had looked at it?  And, with all the robberies in the area, felt the detail put the property at risk? Yowza.  There was nothing to be done but move on.  And, tell Roomie about it, for the learning and mentoring.  She was waiting for the senior coach to arrive at the facility.

Roomie finally arrived on site to audit the pony club sessions Jill would be teaching.  She was in a really uplifted mood, "Fall is beautiful in the country! I am so grateful for a car to drive through it in this year!  In the field across from our house, every day a different tree turns a different dramatic colour every day!"  She was coming from a riding lesson she'd taken where the Level 3, High Performance Coach had (finally) said "Correct him to you" about the dressage movement they'd been doing.  Returning to her childhood coach's farm for some tune ups, she'd been riding a bay that was a reliable school master in many respects, allowing Roomie to learn from him, and his fine execution when provided the smallest correct aid.  In this case, the fact that she should actually correct him, really made Roomie feel her instincts and fitness and finesse where finally coming back.  Her energy uplifted Jill and the pony club clinic was fun for everyone!

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