They were not doing enough canter work and AJ knew it. But, the new array of trotting poles was definitely having its benefits! He was willing to offer to go long and low after about just 10 minutes riding, that followed just 10 minutes of lunging and ground work. His grey usual paddock buddy turned out to have been turned out in the sanding - so that’s why her mount was spooky in that corner and whinnying through out the ride! He was good about opening the gate to walk through though. He really seemed to hate the black and red pole, and took many good spooks at the random sun beams and shadows they were creating around the ring, but they stayed together and worked through it all. He really needed to start moving forwards next. How to make that happen?
Back home, she was not really worrying if she was eating a bit of the dirt between 3 legged unpeeled organic roasted carrot limbs. The most nutritionally beneficial part is always in the skin/peel right? and there’s minerals in the dirt too! She wondered if she could offer i-pick gifts instead of missed u-pick flower opportunities as a workshare/volunteer duty next summer at her favourite CSA Farm?
Jill knew that AJ had found a way to earn a new set of boots and was finally tossing her original blundstones! She also knew she would be in need of snowtires for the upcoming season, but didn’t want to bring up the finances. She was putting a second set of stirrups and leathers and a house pair of half chaps for AJ on her wish list to Santa instead.
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