
Working at It

its been hard for me riding him dressage with no teacher, and no mirrors. I feel like he is like at my level, so we do what I know how to do, in as a fine a form as I know to wish for and only 15 minutes have passed.

there are some horses i get on and i have to work a lot to teach them what i know. he already knows, so i don't know what to do.

bag of ribs it hurt her to go see
can we do the pairs again?

it was so cold for them to be out without blankets. apparently, the day before in the paddock the little guy had been all caught up in his coat, to the point he was standing on it and couldn't move. poor thing! was it true? why hadn't the blanket been put back on when in the stall then?
the horse's owner found them in the paddock together and was furious. she said it was unacceptable and jill feared she'd lost her ride, and loves. what a sad day. she didn't know what to say.
The student confided that sometimes when she came home from school, she would find her mom passed out on the floor of the front hall. The kid thought she took too much medicine. Her father was a drinker, and sometimes they would have to check on him to see if he was still breathing too. Jill wondered if there was physical violence at home when the kid added that she knew her mom sometimes took percacet before a fight with her dad, knowing when "it would be a bad night.” What IS percacet she wanted to know.
wouldn't it be fun to take rio, the super experienced, reliable eventer FURTHER than he'd ever been before? oh my, jill was surprised to even entertain the thought. she wasn't competitive, was she?

first of all, eventers are said to be suicidal idiots and jill had academic, artistic and career oriented goals that she didn't want to be risking for sport. she thought she NOT be thinking about going prelim while sitting on the transit, but she was. every day.

he was such a good boy! he was really teaching her how to LOVE jumping. and, her teacher said it would be interesting to see how it goes.
the pony was frisky and bouncy to ride. but, he carried himself in such a nice frame! and, he was truly listening. she jumped two small fences in between really lovely dressage work. was it a half hour in the grass ring? she'd been unable to find her watch this morning.

all the practice on the 10 second full stop stay still halts was paying off too. and they manouvered the gate okay although they did not latch it.

as they headed out the driveway he was really spooky. the flag was flapping hard from a different direction and then all of a sudden there was a crash in the trees as a deer ran away from them. THAT really scared the pony. so much that she gave him smack with the whip to make him walk on again. on the road he was fresh and he turned his head right around to look at things like a green horse would and he was speedy. she decided to do their little route to the stop since twice the same day.

he winnied to the neighbour horses on their way by and they neighed back. cuuuuute. then they got to the end of the road and would you believe there were two GIANT sheep up against the fence. he was spooky before he spotted them, she guessed from the scent, but when they moved? ooooooooooooooooooooh la la. he wanted to get away from there.

she was really proud of how he didn't spin or rear these days, but at least spooked straight, and stopped in stead of moving. the man from the house on the corner came out to watch. he was shaking. it was so weird to be on the back of an actually quivering coward. she made him turn around in a civilized way and walk toward home. he was joggy and uptight and a very thoughtful car came past safely. she walked him all the way home and all the way back to the sheep again. this time they were further away from the fence so it was a little easier.

she really hoped she'd get more time to keep experimenting with such adventures. she was really having a good time with him, and it was nice to be atop such an (unintimidating sized) athlete.

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