Jill liked the name Action for a horse, because it was used in film, and guitar land, as well as equestrian worlds. The first time she had seen the horse, a huge celebrity was show jump schooling her… "I took a 100 pictures of that horse's @ss" she said, explaining her $100 Wal-mart purchase her last time in Florida, to her then tour guide past the frisky chestnut. With the foal that had to canter everywhere to keep up with her and never even trotted one single step.
Why don't we eat more rabbits. Jill was aspiring as a vegan but thought about the waste of euthanizing so many of them while people starved. She hated the rabbbit rescue PSA she had to air during her programs lately. And also, sometimes she thought her own mind was kind of dark.
Jill was bringing Roomie up to speed on the radio show outing the day before "Yesterday I mounted on the "wrong" side, because you can do that with icelandics, and I wanted to try it. And then, I tolted. shreiking with the fun of it before dismounting also on the incorrect side....
These people clean their saddles with a STONE you know. Its just all about the get up and go!"
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