Looking out the window at the all the traffic parked outside the arena, you couldn't help but wonder if the dog club had looked yet at the handwritten, add-on barn rule about being courteous and respectful to the arena tenants. This was the same sign with the handwritten further addition "No Kids Near Horses or in Barn."
The owner there would not allow her to host a clinic with an expert she'd hoped. "Over in Europe, he would be a small fish in a big pond. He hails from Europe yes, and he is a good horseman you can't deny that, but, no. I'm not interested in his teaching."
Even at that place, Jill could spot a brood mare picking on a young one in the large mixed herd in the paddock, and shout her name from afar. The bully chesnut, stopped what she was doing, looked up at Jill, fields away, and then went on to grazing anew, well behaved like.
Jill wanted to run birthday parties called "Pony Makeovers". She knew just the perfect pony partner! At every barn she went to, lol.
She was a bit dismayed when her mentor walked by the lesson she was teaching and commented to students directly with suggestions. She then felt she was deferring control of the mother-daughter lesson to her boss, and felt a bit waffly in her coaching. It was cool how there were two moms and two girls all thrown in the class together for the stand-in instructor session though, and in the boss's two second commentary, EVERYbody learned something, including the naughtiest pony.
Roomie told a funny story how in her day, she made her whole entire gym class go for a riding lesson field trip. After she had gone into the weight room at her high school, where the boys had some sort of rivalry lifting going on. The handsome Wayne Ryan had just lifted the most of anybody on the leg machine. Roomie had sat down out of curiousity to see how such a load felt, and accidentally lifting it, to everyone's surprise.
Since she had their attention, she instantly decided to mention how strong horseness obviously makes one, not to mention tough and brave.
Then, she pitched the teacher, and her riding teacher, and everybody got on board.
At the barn, Roomie said she'd always remember how she was surprised to be gratified by seeing rep. hockey and rugby team members she was normally intimidated to be around, terrified once mounted on horse back. Was it the altered centre of gravity?
She sounded nostalgic laughing about her mind's eye memory of Glenn Thompson, on Tess, ha.
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