Jill enjoyed the company, and was always flattered when people asked "Can I come and watch you ride?" but somehow she didn't think it was enough of a part-boarder seeking marketing effort. Not that she didn't enjoy having the pony all to herself, she just wanted to do right by the owner.
She WAS going to have this arrangement for a while right? The way they were passing the equipment back and forth had her a bit worried, though she was glad of the extra floorspace in her tiny abode.
"i like your watch" jill felt slightly guilty wearing a buzz lightyear plastic blue number when it would have been so much more appropriate to give it to the kids! That's why she'd had it around in the first place, as a prize for riding lesson games or something, but it was the only watch battery currently WORKING, so in way, Jill was winning...
"the voice of Rolling Hill" isn't it funny how the examiner who got her underway on the whole certification process in the first place, ALMOST had her pegged right from the beginning? she didn't progress Jill thru the ranks fast enough however and Jill jumped at the chance to return to a former mentor. Then her boss told just to draft the copy for whatever brochure she wanted... by tomorrow!
she had been brainwashing all the students to want lessons where she went out on horseback with them. could she get away with putting THAT in?
jill would always remember how her teacher walked in the arena that morning and was annoyed that jill hadn't read the board and was mounted on the wrong (off) horse. it was unheard of for the teacher to mutter "i am decidedly unwell" and turn on her heel to return to the house.
jill had shouted after her, do you want me to teach your 10 & 11?
word came later, that, indeed she did.
so, jill positioned herself as jump crew to the mature, experienced classes (since they were not allowed to jump unless in a supervised lesson), and they all had fun. a prinicpal even said she liked jill's class!
one her own students held her hand on the back from turning out the pony in the paddock. jill told the child that the horse she rides just loves kisses and and hugs and that the kid could help brush him when they got back in the barn. as they entered, rio was on crossties in the hall. the student flung herself at the dark bay, surprising everyone as she pressed herself up against his shoulder, and he just stood there smiling. what a solid, safe horsie. what a star!
Jill was hassling a very fit, very strong 15 yr old about her study habits. Wasn't that her role as coach? She suggested to the girl's father that if good study habits weren't developed now, even when they weren't really required, the student might not have them when she needed them in University. This, indeed, was what happened to Jill first year.
Shoving a full wheelbarrow into the middle of the barn aisle, he said "oh ya, well I completed my BA and look what i'm doing!"
a fully entrenched horseman, he started ranting about how its the fashion that is so prohibitive for males. he was quite hilarious carrying on about how no real man is gonna go around wearing BREECHES for god's sake etc. etc. etc.
jill argued for the cool factor of jeans and chaps, since she really hoped to find a boyfriend that would share the horseness with her. the boss's partner approved of the cowboy nature of jill's solution, and asked "so, how are you going to find this ideal man?"
jill said that the night before she had delivered a holiday greeting card to a handsome rockstar, basically asking if he would be her pony boy. he responded by playing rhinestone cowboy. "i walked right up to him and gave him my phone number." she laughed, "now i am just waiting for the phone to ring."
the boss's partner thought that was pretty funny. had she ever even seen him laugh before? for the rest of the day when ever he passed jill he would chuckle and say "glen campbell eh? that's pretty good." or something like that.
Shoving a full wheelbarrow into the middle of the barn aisle, he said "oh ya, well I completed my BA and look what i'm doing!"
a fully entrenched horseman, he started ranting about how its the fashion that is so prohibitive for males. he was quite hilarious carrying on about how no real man is gonna go around wearing BREECHES for god's sake etc. etc. etc.
jill argued for the cool factor of jeans and chaps, since she really hoped to find a boyfriend that would share the horseness with her. the boss's partner approved of the cowboy nature of jill's solution, and asked "so, how are you going to find this ideal man?"
jill said that the night before she had delivered a holiday greeting card to a handsome rockstar, basically asking if he would be her pony boy. he responded by playing rhinestone cowboy. "i walked right up to him and gave him my phone number." she laughed, "now i am just waiting for the phone to ring."
the boss's partner thought that was pretty funny. had she ever even seen him laugh before? for the rest of the day when ever he passed jill he would chuckle and say "glen campbell eh? that's pretty good." or something like that.
outta the mouth of babes"*when a student and her mother complimented me on how well exam day went, i admitted i hadn't passed. "did the boring old ladies pass?" my rider wanted to know.
"okay Bob" i shouted, waving to the high level rider i have never even been properly introduced to before. as he snorting, giant beast came up beside me, i started tugging bits of various tack. "there's our starter. they haven't told me what to look for yet, but you're first to go and you need a tack check." (read: you can probably teach me more than they can anyway)"everything on is legal.""okay, good. and, you've got your medical info band, your vest and your helmet looks good. so is your girth. i'm sure you've already double checked all your stitching. good luck. and, have fun out there!"
Another Farewell
Jill cried on the way there and a little in the paddock before she left.
She realized driving home that it had been their farewell ride. Not hers and the horses,' but the place. But it felt almost the same! So sad somehow. She wished they'd done a little more. She thought she'd miss the cowboy's baby blues too, boo hoo, and the hopeful anticipation that they would actually ride together.
The little guy had scabs in his ears, especially on the right. She had no idea what was going on there. And the old guy really needed a soak in that whatever-silver, not to mention a trim, as the thrush was still full on and his rotting feet stunk! Poor thing. His skin and coat weren't very good either. Was it because he was so much older or was he not well? He had that skin condition on the front of his back legs again. At least she was pretty sure she'd seen him have that before.
Her pocket bay had a good day. Except for when he took two big spooks at something in the junk, once on the way out and once on the way back. For a thoroughbred, though, he's pretty brave. He seemed to be learning to spook and stop rather than spook and turn at least. They trotted down the hill once, and cantered up once. He walked a log and then jumped the x in the ring as calm as could be. They went beside the driveway bridge close to the water and just stood listening and looking. One time she let him away with something, and he got to turn around where he wanted, because she'd realized her original plan to pass between the creek and the tree could get ugly if they really started to argue. They did have one disagreement around the tree with the swing, because she asked him to walk between the ring fence and the terrifying, horse eating bench. She had started to worry about him rearing and the branches above her heads when he finally figured out it was okay and squished on through. She did not like the way he spooked at the noisy truck and trailer that came up behind them when they rode the fence nearest the road, but then again, maybe that was his first ever time? He was pretty good about trotting up the hill to end the outing, and she could tell he was actually tired.
She'd spooked them with the guitar a bit before bringing them in, and then shoved the gate so hard it scared the little one and almost came back and hit him. It was her mistake, she told him so, also requesting that he Get Over It, on their way back to the barn. They were both strong and spooking on the way into the stable, maybe because the wind was up. Thankfully, a small ring by the barn door was open, so she dumped one and they headed to their stalls one by one.
It was nice riding against the wind. It can challenge your balance sometimes and Jill liked the variety. The variety of the place itself there would be missed. She felt sad that she hadn't explored it enough yet, but time marches on... and the gas prices would be her incentive to be happy biking to a place closer to where she lived.
Jill's fundamental problem with the Manhattan Riding Acadamey, was the backwards way they were creating an overcontrolled bubble environment, where nothing dramatic ever happened, rather than working instead to develop talented riders and horsepersons who can deal with horses in the real world. And, horses that can handle said real world.
On her personal stable "shopping" list was
[ ] plastic flapping flag stuff, like car dealerships have
[ ] umbrellas
[ ] strollers
[ ] loud music and feedback
[ ] drums, cymbals etc
She realized driving home that it had been their farewell ride. Not hers and the horses,' but the place. But it felt almost the same! So sad somehow. She wished they'd done a little more. She thought she'd miss the cowboy's baby blues too, boo hoo, and the hopeful anticipation that they would actually ride together.
The little guy had scabs in his ears, especially on the right. She had no idea what was going on there. And the old guy really needed a soak in that whatever-silver, not to mention a trim, as the thrush was still full on and his rotting feet stunk! Poor thing. His skin and coat weren't very good either. Was it because he was so much older or was he not well? He had that skin condition on the front of his back legs again. At least she was pretty sure she'd seen him have that before.
Her pocket bay had a good day. Except for when he took two big spooks at something in the junk, once on the way out and once on the way back. For a thoroughbred, though, he's pretty brave. He seemed to be learning to spook and stop rather than spook and turn at least. They trotted down the hill once, and cantered up once. He walked a log and then jumped the x in the ring as calm as could be. They went beside the driveway bridge close to the water and just stood listening and looking. One time she let him away with something, and he got to turn around where he wanted, because she'd realized her original plan to pass between the creek and the tree could get ugly if they really started to argue. They did have one disagreement around the tree with the swing, because she asked him to walk between the ring fence and the terrifying, horse eating bench. She had started to worry about him rearing and the branches above her heads when he finally figured out it was okay and squished on through. She did not like the way he spooked at the noisy truck and trailer that came up behind them when they rode the fence nearest the road, but then again, maybe that was his first ever time? He was pretty good about trotting up the hill to end the outing, and she could tell he was actually tired.
She'd spooked them with the guitar a bit before bringing them in, and then shoved the gate so hard it scared the little one and almost came back and hit him. It was her mistake, she told him so, also requesting that he Get Over It, on their way back to the barn. They were both strong and spooking on the way into the stable, maybe because the wind was up. Thankfully, a small ring by the barn door was open, so she dumped one and they headed to their stalls one by one.
It was nice riding against the wind. It can challenge your balance sometimes and Jill liked the variety. The variety of the place itself there would be missed. She felt sad that she hadn't explored it enough yet, but time marches on... and the gas prices would be her incentive to be happy biking to a place closer to where she lived.
Jill's fundamental problem with the Manhattan Riding Acadamey, was the backwards way they were creating an overcontrolled bubble environment, where nothing dramatic ever happened, rather than working instead to develop talented riders and horsepersons who can deal with horses in the real world. And, horses that can handle said real world.
On her personal stable "shopping" list was
[ ] plastic flapping flag stuff, like car dealerships have
[ ] umbrellas
[ ] strollers
[ ] loud music and feedback
[ ] drums, cymbals etc
Well, what a nice horsey has joined the family!
T is one quarter thoroughbred, one quarter clydesdale and half hackney horse. I didn't even know there was such a thing -- I only knew of hackney ponies... now, my horizons have been widened. But, then again, I'm sure that's where T gets his tight hind end.
And, we're sure he gets the hand instinct to pull. Like wagons, or whatever. He has been driven and he knows the voice commands. His owner, Dee, has driven.
What a cutie! When they first got together he was five and flashly, and good for doubling two daughters in future. He made me almost WISH for winter - with him pulling toboggans, and sleds! And, did i hear inner tubes?
Til then I will just listen to his footfall while Dee is riding him. He has a real nice sound, especially when cantering. Its the clatter of big feet! When Dee brought him in from the paddock on Saturday it was wet out, so I got to walk behind him delightedly singing, "mud pies, get your free mud pies here" because of the big pie plate fee that was flinging out all the muck.
Did you know that the world record for highest jump ever jumped was got by a hackney horse? Over 8 feet! That's what Dee's been telling me anyway... I wonder what her aspirations are.
T is one quarter thoroughbred, one quarter clydesdale and half hackney horse. I didn't even know there was such a thing -- I only knew of hackney ponies... now, my horizons have been widened. But, then again, I'm sure that's where T gets his tight hind end.
And, we're sure he gets the hand instinct to pull. Like wagons, or whatever. He has been driven and he knows the voice commands. His owner, Dee, has driven.
What a cutie! When they first got together he was five and flashly, and good for doubling two daughters in future. He made me almost WISH for winter - with him pulling toboggans, and sleds! And, did i hear inner tubes?
Til then I will just listen to his footfall while Dee is riding him. He has a real nice sound, especially when cantering. Its the clatter of big feet! When Dee brought him in from the paddock on Saturday it was wet out, so I got to walk behind him delightedly singing, "mud pies, get your free mud pies here" because of the big pie plate fee that was flinging out all the muck.
Did you know that the world record for highest jump ever jumped was got by a hackney horse? Over 8 feet! That's what Dee's been telling me anyway... I wonder what her aspirations are.
Sound Sounds
look who shows up in a hood, the day after the "proper riding attire lesson". AND, short pants for crying out loud!
Jill had used one of the students hood as the take off point for a story about riding a horse that once spooked at her hood, which made the hood flail about, which made him spook more etc.
She walked them each to the creek, but not close enough to try and drink because the footing just wasn't good enough. With the little buddy's reaction, Jill was hyper-aware of the old adage about not making him drink. Could she even lead him to water? * *
Jill had used one of the students hood as the take off point for a story about riding a horse that once spooked at her hood, which made the hood flail about, which made him spook more etc.
She held the man's horse while he adjusted his helmet strap FOREVER. she was sorry she'd ever mentioned the incorrect fit of it. he even took off his glove, while seated up there illegally, fiddling around like the complete novice he was for ages and ages and ages. Next time, Jill vowed, she would insist the rider dismount before even beginning such amendments.
When the carpooling parents dropped the kids off, the acted like they were going into the community centre building for the pony club meeting early, but then darted around the back to harass the ponies in the paddock over there, until the last possible second.
Jill had heard pony club called the gin and jodpur brigade, but she had really learned a lot at those meetings, and quizes and tests and shows...
The little guy was really picking on the old man when jill came into the paddock. Perhaps it was because the water bucket was empty? The old man was head bobbing lame when he trotted away from the bully but she couldn’t find any corresponding injury. In fact his right hind leg was kinda puffy and stocked up, but nothing in front. Was it just tender unshod feet?
She’d brought her guitar, finally, to make the required introductions. When the bravest pony stretched his neck out to see it closer, he ended up snorting right in the sound hole and scaring himself. If only she had recorded his super amplified snort and scramble!
She jumped a little cross rail in the outdoor ring and was pleased when he didn't try and rush it, either direction. She had seen him get very bent out of shape over tiny exercises before. It was also fun to be "jumping" unsupervised, after all those useless practice rides at the riding school with the no jumping rule. She took him out for a little hand gallop in the back field as well as walking the hills and logs a couple times. She was really excited when she came back to the little x and the tired pony actually just trotted over.
She was rethinking her philosophy on the horses just have to get used to the birds thing though. He still wouldn't ever relax in the arena!
She’d been right about the cowboys arms. She felt a nice fit inside them, as they said good nite in the moon light.
Dropped it!
"its made from stuff that will break like leather" jill said, doing up the bitless bridle for the first time.
"why would you want it to break?" the cowboy wondered
"i've seen a horse caught up in nylon before. nylon wouldn't break"
"oh ya?" he countered "i've seen a horse loose on a hiway before."
she was pleased that her pony would actually walk the logs. both logs, all four feet. one two three four. good boy! he walked on the shiny blue mat on the way in to the arena, but then was pretty speedy and spooky in there.
the sun was wonderful. he'd actually sweated under the saddle. and, he was beginning to dapple!
the old man's feet were very thrushy. she would look up turpentine or bleach or other radical action. his right front leg was kinda stocked up.
and, dang it, she dropped her helmet.
"why would you want it to break?" the cowboy wondered
"i've seen a horse caught up in nylon before. nylon wouldn't break"
"oh ya?" he countered "i've seen a horse loose on a hiway before."
she was pleased that her pony would actually walk the logs. both logs, all four feet. one two three four. good boy! he walked on the shiny blue mat on the way in to the arena, but then was pretty speedy and spooky in there.
the sun was wonderful. he'd actually sweated under the saddle. and, he was beginning to dapple!
the old man's feet were very thrushy. she would look up turpentine or bleach or other radical action. his right front leg was kinda stocked up.
and, dang it, she dropped her helmet.
jill believed that you are ALWAYS training a horse.
so, she was surprised when he called her on letting him stop.
"when?" she wanted to know, because there were many times when she knew he was about to stop, and so told him to stop, thinking this was at least a constructive alternative to spinning. She said "I considered standing our ground an improvement from the turning and running away!"
"don't worry dad, " she'd said earlier. kissing his cheek and departing the hospital, "i always remember that the #1 rule is DON'T fall off. but, failing that, i always tell someone where i'll be going and when i'll be back, so if anything goes wrong, people will know."
thinking she was going to make a sign of emergency contact numbers for the stall door.
so, she was surprised when he called her on letting him stop.
"when?" she wanted to know, because there were many times when she knew he was about to stop, and so told him to stop, thinking this was at least a constructive alternative to spinning. She said "I considered standing our ground an improvement from the turning and running away!"
"don't worry dad, " she'd said earlier. kissing his cheek and departing the hospital, "i always remember that the #1 rule is DON'T fall off. but, failing that, i always tell someone where i'll be going and when i'll be back, so if anything goes wrong, people will know."
thinking she was going to make a sign of emergency contact numbers for the stall door.
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