
Sound Sounds

look who shows up in a hood, the day after the "proper riding attire lesson". AND, short pants for crying out loud!
Jill had used one of the students hood as the take off point for a story about riding a horse that once spooked at her hood, which made the hood flail about, which made him spook more etc.
She held the man's horse while he adjusted his helmet strap FOREVER. she was sorry she'd ever mentioned the incorrect fit of it. he even took off his glove, while seated up there illegally, fiddling around like the complete novice he was for ages and ages and ages. Next time, Jill vowed, she would insist the rider dismount before even beginning such amendments.
When the carpooling parents dropped the kids off, the acted like they were going into the community centre building for the pony club meeting early, but then darted around the back to harass the ponies in the paddock over there, until the last possible second.
Jill had heard pony club called the gin and jodpur brigade, but she had really learned a lot at those meetings, and quizes and tests and shows...
The little guy was really picking on the old man when jill came into the paddock. Perhaps it was because the water bucket was empty? The old man was head bobbing lame when he trotted away from the bully but she couldn’t find any corresponding injury. In fact his right hind leg was kinda puffy and stocked up, but nothing in front. Was it just tender unshod feet?
She walked them each to the creek, but not close enough to try and drink because the footing just wasn't good enough. With the little buddy's reaction, Jill was hyper-aware of the old adage about not making him drink. Could she even lead him to water?
She’d brought her guitar, finally, to make the required introductions. When the bravest pony stretched his neck out to see it closer, he ended up snorting right in the sound hole and scaring himself. If only she had recorded his super amplified snort and scramble!
She jumped a little cross rail in the outdoor ring and was pleased when he didn't try and rush it, either direction. She had seen him get very bent out of shape over tiny exercises before. It was also fun to be "jumping" unsupervised, after all those useless practice rides at the riding school with the no jumping rule. She took him out for a little hand gallop in the back field as well as walking the hills and logs a couple times. She was really excited when she came back to the little x and the tired pony actually just trotted over.
She was rethinking her philosophy on the horses just have to get used to the birds thing though. He still wouldn't ever relax in the arena!
She’d been right about the cowboys arms. She felt a nice fit inside them, as they said good nite in the moon light.

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