Jill enjoyed the company, and was always flattered when people asked "Can I come and watch you ride?" but somehow she didn't think it was enough of a part-boarder seeking marketing effort. Not that she didn't enjoy having the pony all to herself, she just wanted to do right by the owner.
She WAS going to have this arrangement for a while right? The way they were passing the equipment back and forth had her a bit worried, though she was glad of the extra floorspace in her tiny abode.
"i like your watch" jill felt slightly guilty wearing a buzz lightyear plastic blue number when it would have been so much more appropriate to give it to the kids! That's why she'd had it around in the first place, as a prize for riding lesson games or something, but it was the only watch battery currently WORKING, so in way, Jill was winning...
"the voice of Rolling Hill" isn't it funny how the examiner who got her underway on the whole certification process in the first place, ALMOST had her pegged right from the beginning? she didn't progress Jill thru the ranks fast enough however and Jill jumped at the chance to return to a former mentor. Then her boss told just to draft the copy for whatever brochure she wanted... by tomorrow!
she had been brainwashing all the students to want lessons where she went out on horseback with them. could she get away with putting THAT in?
jill would always remember how her teacher walked in the arena that morning and was annoyed that jill hadn't read the board and was mounted on the wrong (off) horse. it was unheard of for the teacher to mutter "i am decidedly unwell" and turn on her heel to return to the house.
jill had shouted after her, do you want me to teach your 10 & 11?
word came later, that, indeed she did.
so, jill positioned herself as jump crew to the mature, experienced classes (since they were not allowed to jump unless in a supervised lesson), and they all had fun. a prinicpal even said she liked jill's class!
one her own students held her hand on the back from turning out the pony in the paddock. jill told the child that the horse she rides just loves kisses and and hugs and that the kid could help brush him when they got back in the barn. as they entered, rio was on crossties in the hall. the student flung herself at the dark bay, surprising everyone as she pressed herself up against his shoulder, and he just stood there smiling. what a solid, safe horsie. what a star!
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