
Faces to Names

At first I recognized the name on the list and then I remembered the face. Then I put it together that Katie rode Dr. Broom who was owned by that ladym which was how I knew the name.

The face I'd met at the David O Clinic. She told me then, that at the previous clinic, she'd learned her horse is one with fewer ribs than many horses. That's what givers her that cat like snap.

"Are there no men riding in Canada?" the clinician asked, causing Jill to laugh so loud she almost damaged the video recording she was making for my friend, who was riding in the class... In retrospect, she came to THINK she was seated where she should not be, on the jump crew benchm while she did so, so its a blessing perhaps that she ran out of memory card so quickly!

“Your guy has a nice jump” on Olympian said to her friend about her horse.

The highlight for Jill at the time was that he put on his helmet every time he hopped on a horse. But I have come to see the benefit of his teaching even more since then.

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