He’d already shown her the pool in his brother’s house earlier that day, and flirted saying if she ever wanted to go skinny dipping, to let him know. To her own surprise, she’d replied that it was so warm and beautiful in there that for once, such a notion wasn’t out of the question. She was surpised he’d heard of it, when he asked if she went to the all night art festival. Does he flirt with all the girls? She liked his influence on the smoking issue. He’d quit because they were so expensive in Canada, and that being around people who didn’t smoke helped a lot and that it just didn’t seem right to be doing that around a barn. He told her how he used to smoke them far away from the stable and stub them out fully and then pick them up and carry them in his pocket.
His brother had said he tried to catch mono in Mono… So was he a womanizer or what?
The day before she had to lunge Not-so and did so in the covered round pen. It was closer, not past the road, and easier for handling Not-so once in there. She'd been told today that she should have been in the open pen. At least he only got turned around on me once on the right rein, Jill thought. He'd been almost balanced in time for each direction and he was listening to all the transitions. As far as Not-so goes, she would have to say he was quite well behaved.
The same horse tanked around on her bringing him first thing in the morning. He was bucking in the field before she caught him and then he shuffled her on down the barn, past his stall and past his grain and hay. Why was it the halter and lead shank without the chain left outside the paddock?? she'd called down the barn. It was the first time he’d really drug her around, and Jill was shaking afterwards for a good 5 minutes or so.
The chain over Tempi’s nose was a godsend, because she just half-halted him all the way in, and his trot shuffle stayed beside her instead of dragging her towards the barn. Tempi was part of a twosome that came in together. Nellie was always very helpful.
Before her boss got on Not-so to ride him, he asked Jill to walk him around for a few minutes. Thankfully Not-so did walk on down the barn. Her boss humiliated her with a frustrated and confused face when she came out the barn and then turned around and went back in. But she’d forgotten the whip on his stall door, and was simply going back for it. Not-so had to learn to help out and go with the flow, was how she looked at it. The trouble was, he wouldn't cooperate and the practice was taking forever. So, Not-so got quite the whack on the butt with the whip the boss had in hand, for refusing to move forward properly. His startled huge spook reaction spooked the precious show jumper horse that was returning from a ride.
So, Jill got at good yelling at as well, with a new rule being instituted to always bring the horse out the other side of the barn...
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