
Repeat Performances

"That boss was always tell me to trot and hack that (spooky) horse around the hay field and past the flaming burn pile, through the trees past the alligator pond and then between our paddocks and along those stallion paddocks of the quarter horse breeding farm next door. And then to meet him in the whatever ring at promptly such and such a time and he would school the horse, lol."

Leading, handling and lunging some of those horses was dangerous, but they didn't pay much mind to that.  It was also joyously, exhilerating and she loved the riding of them most of all.
"Do you need a ride?" He asked her over and over thoroughout the day, in a variety of well logo'd machines on the show grounds. Sometimes she said yes and sometimes she said no thanks.  In reality, she wanted to one to drive around lol.
One of her favourite days in her Olympic level Ocala season, was the morning the show jumper schooled his horses in the hay field. because that day Jill's boss did too.  And he had to give her a leg up onto each of giants, as she rode them to and from him in the schooling area.   We switched mounts in the wide open. They were all at least 18 hands high and it was nice to see the very tall him mount from the ground instead of me, ha.

That was the first day the groom from France started and Jill started chatting also. After that day, she always had an exercise ride buddy to go out and around with. What a gifted rider he was.

In between text messages while trotting, he was teaching her french -- yesterday's requested lesson was "demain je suis vacance" (whoo hoo!)
One time his boss rode over to join them.  She said she was bringing another chesnut over because it seemed like it was just what we needed ha ha, in the shortage of them ha.   There were so many on the property at that time. Cheval al'zun i told her. 

She mentioned overhearing  about Jill wanting a lunge lesson on the naughtiest of all chesnuts.  They talked about the joy of riding they'd had as youngsters and how the young people of today missed out on so much of that fun with the insurance and laws and blah blah blah.

Jill always loved that mr. fantastic frenchie got dumped the bay on the asphalt his first day out. After that, he started wearing his helmet with the more challenging horses ha.
In highschool Jill had always been too busy horsing around to hang out with all her musical celebrity friends.  Now it seemed things were swinging the other way around?

She loved listening to the comic who had been to SXSW.  You will never see Don't Mess with Canada on a belt buckle, ha.

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