When Jill stopped in to drop off her resume, the owner splained her "Around here we refer to barn rats and we mean the teenagers that work at the stable. Mice are the smaller kids that aspire. And, PARENTS aren't even allowed in the barn."
Jill was reading about how the sealing of food in glass jars started in 1809, followed by the invention of refrigerated rail-cars a few decades later. Home refrigerators became popular in the 20's, which was followed by refrigerated planes bringing produce from around the world year round. Jill was striving for a lifestyle that reconnected to the joy of eating in season and what it really means to live off the land and the true journey of the harvest.
At her usual fill-in, Jill football-coached a boy who was crying, reprimanding him "cowboys don't complain about that stuff, they find a way to minimize the pain and while they ride on! As a rider you must toughen up and you rest your sore parts, in motion, WHILE you keep working" and, her tone switched the student from sad and whiney to mad and he got the red devil pony trotting. Almost cantering. "That is terrific!" Jill beamed and jumped up down in the centre of the arena.
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