Jill was hassling a very fit, very strong 15 yr old about her study habits. Wasn't that her role as a coach? She suggested to the girl's father that if good study habits weren't developed now, even when they weren't really required, the student might not have them when she needed them in University. This, indeed, was what happened to Jill first year.
Shoving a full wheelbarrow into the middle of the barn aisle, he said "oh ya, well I successfully
completed my BA and
look what I'm doing!"
A fully entrenched horseman, sharing the daily chores with Jill that day, he then started ranting about how its the fashion of our sport that is so prohibitive for males. He was quite hilarious carrying on about how no real man is gonna go around wearing BREECHES for god's sake etc. etc. etc.
Jill argued for the cool factor of jeans and chaps, since she really hoped to find a boyfriend that would share the horseness with her.
The boss's partner approved of the cowboy nature of Jill's solution, and asked "so, how are you going to find this ideal man?" The truth was, she had no idea how to get through. She was fearless professionally but a complete coward in personal matters. She'd done it again with Tronas, approaching him professionally instead of making a pass, ha. But she didn't feel ready to reveal any of that...
Jill said that at last year's Christmas concert Roomie had delivered a holiday greeting card to a handsome cowboy rockstar, basically asking in modern mixtape, if he would be her pony boy. He responded by playing rhinestone cowboy., ha. She walked right up to him and gave him her phone number. Jill laughed, "now she is still waiting for the phone to ring." The boss's partner thought that was pretty funny. had she ever even seen him laugh before? For the rest of the day when ever he passed Jill he would chuckle and say "Glenn Campbell eh? That's pretty good."
Outta the mouth of babes? When a student and her mother complimented Jill on how obviously well exam day went, she admitted she hadn't passed.
"Did the boring old ladies pass?" her test-student-rider wanted to know, ha.
"Technically funny is not the same as actually funny and fun to be around." Roomie was comparing the suitors in Jill's roster. She liked the cute one, obviously. "But after a couple days, I crave some intellectual stimulation, you know?" Jill wasn't quite as smitten. "Isn't that what GIRLFRIENDS are for?" Roomie's date interjected, while Jill wondered if Tronas liked Indian food.
Later she was surprised to hear herself say that she only tried playing the instruments out of neccessity. If her dreams came true she could just sing along while doing other things like the dishes and cooking!