
Progress and Mistakes

Buddy was actually a perfect gentleman in from the paddock. And, he had put his head down low so Jill could get his halter on easily. As they travelled toward the barn for breakfast, he flipped his head like a clearly frisky fella, but he stayed poliely in walk all the way in. No biting or bolting or nonsense. 

After the stalls were done, and all that was left to do before breakfast was blowout the aisle and the 10 minute laser treatment for the bay.  The boss said to get a pair ready for 8, so clearly they'd be not breakfast... Jill's tummy was rumbling when she became thankful the boss was late.  The extra seven minutes gave Jill time to remember/guess that new one is probably supposed to start wearing a breastplate when in the jumping saddle, since they'd used one last time.  She took a run to the trailer to get it and put it on. 

Unfortunately, she did not find time to double check that she had done the noseband up correctly.

Jim adjusted it and made it straight as he led the newest Chesnut up to the boss, but, a rein was done into it, in the bridle incorrectly. ACK. Jill was mortified.  Of course it was a foolish error, but worse because this was AFTER a recent noseband lesson. Where the boss was sickeningly condescending in a big lecture about perfection in nosebands.

Jill felt it was the ridiculous rush and super criticism and fear of the boss that caused the mistakes. 

Jill felt further betrayed that Jim started making cold medicine excuses on her behalf.  Because that wasn't the problem, and she didn't need him speaking up for her. She knew should have been grateful for his defence and caring, but he was wrong about the issues. He wasn't speaking the truth.

She thought the boss was way wrong though, way out of line.  Meanwhile it was obvious the boss's partner was trying to undermine her all the time, and she wanted to run away and hide.

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