
Cowboy Craze

He's kissed 10 of his facebook friends "so far?" Roomie had decided her cowboy was a slut, she'd seen the 10 second interview question answers he'd posted on his profile.   It was the "so far" part that really cynched it.  

The handsome ones always are, she'd sighed to herself, moving carefully, one step at a time, with calm friendship in mind.

He didn't say so, but clearly thought it showed an irresistable passion for horses, and, in fact just charisma and sincere charm in general that she came to the stable on the friday nite of the long weekend, and the saturday/sunday/monday...

She was frustrated with the expense of the hour plus commute and couldn't help but wish that, someday, a man would trailer his horse over to ride with her someplace and every place, ha.
"You almost ditched me" jill said, into the arena cold, giving the little bay a boot. as she regained her seat, balance and stirrups. She couldn't believe how he could dart on and on and on unstoppably, almost deer like, once he got started spooking around like that. 

He did not feel afraid, just stubborn and bratty. 

He had leapt about 15 or 20m due right, into the middle of the arena, FAST in a repeated scrambly scoot. And his spooking/refusing nonsense was certainly getting worse instead of better. Jill's neck hurt like when she had whiplash. and she was thankful there was another horse and rider in the arena with her, when it happened.  She thought, at least if she had fallen it she wouldn't have been alone. She was grateful for the comforting company as they trotted round for another 5 or 10 minutes with a small canter each direction before heading back in to the barn.

And then the pony stood well enough to have his mane pulled, thankfully.

Thinking back over the recent mini rides, noticed that, unfortunately, he settled down more the more you raise your voice. She had whispered to him and spoken sternly.  Yo! Who wants to yell at their pony? She told Roomie later "Sometimes you can tell he expects a smack in the head, when you're sitting on his back. I saw him get many smacks in the head and be otherwise roughed up. but now riding him sometimes in some ways it seems like he deserves it.  Jill thought she wasn't making sense.  Deserves it? She did not believe in FORCING a horse, ever. She believed in partnership.

"As i get fitter and stronger, i'll get braver and we will start to have more fun," jill decided. out loud.  And as we build the trust, we can do even more to enhance each other."

She was really happy for time with her old man horse friend as well.  A second horse to groom was extra good.

Tronas must have blue eyes she thought, noticing his blue shirts in facebook profile pictures.  Was he really engaged?

Her lovelife was intense, for all the lonesome wishing.  It had felt weird to be caught between two guys that were "equally in the running," romantically speaking, and to have them each say "he seems like a nice guy."

She thought the fact that she could enjoy the interest of more than one fella probably meant that neither was The One she was holding out for, lol.

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