Jill was at work in the dress shop downtown, across from the bakery and bulk healthfood store, when she would rather be riding. How she wanted to take some lessons. And, GIVE some lessons, on her pony. Why not? They would all benefit from the schooling!
To her coworker she confided, "Its been hard for me riding him dressage with no teacher, and no mirrors. And, I feel like he is like at my level, so we do all the things I know how to do, in as a fine a form as I know to wish for, and only 15 minutes have passed!"
There were many horses Jill could get on and have to work a lot to teach them what she knew. Where as this little buddy had been in high level training for years and already knew the movements she knew, and so she didn't know what to work on in dressage with him. Quite a luxury of a challenge in a way, right?
Jill smiled to remember a student's request for next class "can we do the pairs again?"
Apparently at least one rider liked the musical ride movements they'd been doing, incorporating actual instruments! It was a lift to her spirit to have this passion in common with the kid.
Jill smiled to remember a student's request for next class "can we do the pairs again?"
Apparently at least one rider liked the musical ride movements they'd been doing, incorporating actual instruments! It was a lift to her spirit to have this passion in common with the kid.
As usual, Jill was trying to keep her focus on horses and not on boys. But, despite the best efforts, she was also emphatically wishin' that the recent email from Tronas had the potential to blossom into more than a strictly professional exchange. And yet, his brief note, just as it was, was certainly cause for a constant smile. And emphatic command into the universe:
Her co-worker piped up from the other side of the shop, as they chatted. "If anyone can pull it off, it's you."
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