
A Boy of Good Breeding

She was driving his truck and trailer for him while he couldn't and getting paid $10 hr for it.  Plus, he was a good teacher about the backing up stuff as he passenged.   And, they were having a good time together.  The farm boy/farrier said, "A man should want to be with a smart a woman.  After all, if you can't talk after the act then what's the point?" He was wooing her, obviously, but it seemed truthful.

Jill said she was waiting to have sex til it would be special, between two people really in love and ready to share their spirits along with their bodies. "Don't you just want to save it for love?" she asked her friend-only.  He was honest also about only looking for friendship, ha.

Her doctor had said "You don't show immunity for HPV." and Jill didn't know what it was.  She still didn't, after the doctor explained it, but she didn't want to be sold the needle.  Because she wasn't sexually active like that and besides, she didn't really like vaccines!  The doctor actually encouraged her to go out and get physically romantic with someone, she'd said like laughter, it can be good for your health!  Especially given the other medical issues they'd been discussing, ha.  Such a modern outlook!  It really opened Jill's mind to consider the advice...

At the book launch, Jill loved how the authors made funny about the many times they'd been taken to task for the very autobiographical nature of their fiction.


It was pretty clear he wasn't speaking to her, when he shouted for his brother-only, who was not in the barn, while Jill was. "Joe, Joe! Come and see this flock of birds!" he was enthused by something as they flew overhead.

Jill watched the brand new baby filly twitching in the straw and itched for a camera. Why had her $100 Walmart special had to die so young?

The two month old colt looked GIANT all of a sudden, because it was a Monday and she'd had a day off.  He'd become a bit dog-like, with too much leg, in his little tiny halter... he was so gangly in the paddock. He now got to go out twice a day with his momma.

Jill remembered doing the brood mare's stall in her barn, when her ready-for-the-prom-now filly had been about that size...

If only the next mare to foal would also be right on time. Maybe one of these days Jill would actually get to see a baby be born!

Jill thought the most romantic words ever in song were about coffee, and a kiss on the forehead. "Honey its so early. Maybe we shouldn't speak yet."

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