
Mutual Feelings

Jill was steamed to realize that her full seat white breeks had not been returned to her.  There was no way she was fitting into the 26" waist and had put them for sale on the table at the stable.  But the boss had moved them and now they were gone!

The instructor assessment form completed for her by the clinician noted that her drill ride exercise was challenging and fun.  The group seemed very comfortable to ask questions, and the group interaction was very nice with each other and with coach.  As an instructor she was very enthusiastic and encouraging but needed to continue working on lesson plans and focusing on aids, as well as more frequent "how-to" descriptions.

As soon as the boss said her coaching detail was great and the students, parents and horses loved her, Jill could sense the but...  The boss didn't like her and as soon as she said it out loud, Jill was relieved.   She felt the same way!  They wrapped up the probationary period with no hard feelings, and Jill did not have to get used to telling students to remember their "dressage crop." etc.

"You can really see the difference in their ages, by how close they stand to their mother eh?" now that there were THREE brand new babies on the property, two of the brood mares were out together with their offspring, and Jill loved working on the farm to learn these kinds of things first hand.
"See, here you pinch with your knees..." Jill heard an Equine Studies program staffer providing incorrect information about riding position on the model horse.  Old-fashioned to her mind anyway...
What's the safest way to carry a hoofpick while riding? Jill wondered, yearning for saddle bags.  Was there even really such a thing?  And, since she was wondering things, why, why, why was she sitting at the library at a computer when the weather is so perfect for riding?
"There is no 'til death do us part anymore." Jill sighed to the cowboy's surprise. He'd found her so conservative.  "People live longer now. People change and grow throughout their lives now-a-days and might not do all that with just one special someone."

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