
Calm and Longing

Jill heard he had a new part boarder and she wasn't even jealous. She'd only riding twice a week anyway, and if someone else was gonna keep him loose and fit while treating him nicely who was she to complain about it?

There was a handsome friend of a friend watching the group warm-up that night.  Was it that the teacher noticed that Jill's horse was especially stiff as the lesson got underway, or was she helping her student show off? She surprised Jill saying "get up off his back and go round a few times in canter." So, Jill did and then the teacher said "Now, hand gallop." Whoo hoo! "Faster, she insisted, C'mon now - GO!" The other riders all came in off the track and Jill was having a blast.

When the teacher said to bring him back to trot, Jill asked the obvious question. "But, we hadn't even warmed up! (?)"

She said, well you could have trotted around for 40 minutes to get warmed up, or you could have done that.

When they got to the private part of the class, Jill felt the teacher was merciless. Jill had put the snaffle on the bay so she could ride with her mitts instead of dealing with the four riens of the pelham in gloves for the cold instead, but her arms got to ache from how strong he was pulling.

The teacher got them jumping in a circle and keeping the curve of the circle while cantering over the jump round and round while he pulled harder and harder and harder and went faster and faster and faster and Jill got more and more tired and then finally, he did bend enough laterally to satisfy the teacher and they got to


change direction.

Jill believed it was better to be single than sorry... and, she was glad to be independent and comfortable in her own company. How else could she have enough time for all her animals and interests and projects?

But, then again, sometimes, especially on a Friday or Saturday night, she wished for company. and, she remembered how nice it could be to kiss, and be kissed.

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